Ogden Pharmacy Information

Pharmacy name: Ogden Pharmacy

Pharmacy licence number (as registered at the Alberta College of Pharmacy (ACP)): 4249

Owner (proprietor): 2345078 ALBERTA LTD.

Pharmacist and pharmacy licensee: Adam Mahmoud

Licensee number (as registered at the ACP): 16071

Patient Concerns

Concerns?The Alberta College of Pharmacy governs the pharmacy profession in Alberta to support and protect the public’s health and well-being.
We take responsibility for pharmacy practice by setting and enforcing high standards of competence and ethical conduct.
Patients who have concerns about the pharmacy services they receive are encouraged to discuss the problem directly with the pharmacist.Every pharmacy has a pharmacy licensee, responsible for the policies and procedures at the pharmacy, who can also address your concerns. If necessary, you may ask to speak to the licensee.
If you are still concerned, you may contact the Alberta College of Pharmacy toll free at 1-877-227-3838 or by visiting the college website abpharmacy.ca

Pharmacy Licence