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ADHD in Kids: When the World Won’t Slow Down

ADHD in Kids When the World Wont Slow Down Ogden Pharmacy e1653256849570

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in kids. It is estimated that between 3 and 10 percent of kids in Alberta have ADHD. Boys are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls, and the disorder often runs in families.

ADHD can lead to problems with academics, behaviour, and social skills. Kids with ADHD may have difficulty paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviours, or be overly active. As a result, they may struggle in school and get into trouble with friends and family.

In this article, we will talk about four essential thoughts about ADHD in kids.

1 – It’s hard to keep up when the world won’t slow down.

It’s hard to keep up when the world won’t slow down, especially if you have ADHD. Kids with ADHD are often trying to keep up with their peers, but their world seems to be moving too fast. This can be highly frustrating and can lead to feeling overwhelmed and stressed out.

There are a few things that you can do to help your child cope with the fast-paced world around them. First, it’s important to understand that your child is not lazy or stupid. They are just wired differently. This means that they need to be given a little extra help and understanding.

Second, you can help your child by teaching them some simple coping mechanisms. For example, you can teach them to take breaks often, to use a planner to keep track of their tasks and to break down big projects into smaller, manageable pieces.

Lastly, you can help your child by being their advocate. This means being their voice when they need help and fighting for them when they feel like the world is against them.

If you have a child with ADHD, know that you are not alone. Many other parents out there are dealing with the same challenges.

Seek out support from others who understand what you are going through. Talk to your friends and family about what you’re going through. They may not understand what it feels like to have ADHD, but they can support you and help you find ways to cope.

Together, you can help your child cope with a world that won’t slow down.

2 – The challenges of living with ADHD.

ADHD in kids is often characterized by hyperactivity and impulsivity.

If you’re the parent of a child with ADHD, you know that managing symptoms can be a full-time job. And while there’s no “cure” for ADHD, there are ways to help your child manage their symptoms and find success in school and life.

One of the biggest challenges of living with ADHD (for adults and kids) is dealing with the constant chatter in your head. It can feel like your mind is always racing, making it hard to focus on anything else. This can lead to feeling easily overwhelmed and stressed.

Another challenge is impulsivity. It can be hard to think before you act, leading to making impulsive decisions that you later regret. This can be a tricky symptom to manage, but there are strategies you can use to help your child slow down and think before they act.

There are many resources available to help you and your child manage the challenges of living with ADHD.

3 – When the world won’t slow down, it’s hard to focus.

It’s hard to focus when the world won’t slow down. That’s what it’s like for many kids with ADHD.

There are two types of ADHD: Inattentive and Hyperactive-Impulsive. With Inattentive ADHD, it’s hard to pay attention and stay on task. You might daydream or be easily distracted. With Hyperactive-Impulsive ADHD, you might feel like you’re always on the go. You might be impulsive, which means you act without thinking.

ADHD in kids is when the world won't slow down, and it's hard to focus (Ogden Pharmacy)

Both types of ADHD can make school and homework hard. That’s because it’s hard to focus when there’s so much going on around you.

There are some things you can do to help your child focus. For example, you can:

  • Create a quiet, distraction-free environment for homework
  • Set a regular time for homework and a regular routine for their life and stick to them
  • Help your child break down tasks into smaller, more manageable parts
  • Encourage your child to take breaks and move around every 20 minutes or so
  • Make sure your child is getting enough sleep and eating a healthy diet

There are also plenty of resources available online and in local communities. These can help you learn more about ADHD and how to manage it.

4 – ADHD medications to be used for kids

While there is no cure for ADHD, there are treatments that can help kids manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. One of the most common treatments is medication.

There are several different types of ADHD medications available, and the best one for your child will depend on their individual symptoms and needs.

Stimulants are the most commonly prescribed type of ADHD medication. They help to increase focus and concentration and reduce impulsivity.

There are two main types of stimulants: methylphenidate and amphetamines. Methylphenidate is the active ingredient in medications like Ritalin and Concerta. Amphetamines are the active ingredient in medications like Adderall and Vyvanse.

Both types of stimulants effectively treat ADHD, but they can have different side effects. Some common side effects of stimulants include trouble sleeping, decreased appetite, and irritability.

Non-stimulant medications are another option for treating ADHD. These medications are often used when stimulants haven’t been effective or have caused unpleasant side effects.

The most common type of non-stimulant ADHD medication is atomoxetine, which is the active ingredient in medications like Strattera. Atomoxetine can help to improve focus, concentration, and impulsivity.

Common side effects of atomoxetine include decreased appetite, nausea, and tiredness.

Antidepressants are sometimes used to treat ADHD, even though they’re not specifically approved for this use. The antidepressant bupropion is the active ingredient in the ADHD medication Wellbutrin.

Bupropion can help to improve focus and concentration and reduce impulsivity. Common side effects of bupropion include dry mouth, trouble sleeping, and constipation.

There are other types of medications that are sometimes used to treat ADHD, but they’re not as well-studied or well-understood as stimulants, non-stimulants, and antidepressants.

Some of these medications include tricyclic antidepressants, antipsychotics, and beta-blockers.

If you live in Ogden or Riverbend (and all other Calgary communities), Ogden Pharmacy can help prepare and dispense all of your kid’s medications. Furthermore, our pharmacist would provide insightful consultations regarding medicine administration and any drug-drug or food-drug interactions. Moreover, Ogden Pharmacy can save you the trip to the pharmacy and free-delivery of your medications to your home.

Before starting any medication, it’s essential to talk to your child’s doctor about the risks and benefits. Your pharmacist is also an important part of the equation. It can guide you through your kid’s medications’ different ins and outs. It is noteworthy that medications are just one part of treating ADHD. They are often most effective when combined with other treatments, such as therapy and behaviour modification.

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