Address: 7 – 1603 62 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2C 5C5

Phone number: 587-391-9878
Fax number: 403-538-6401

Monday to Friday hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday hours: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Millions Suffer from Dry Mouth: Here’s What You Can Do

Millions Suffer from Dry Mouth Heres What You Can Do Ogden Pharmacy e1653778319235

If you live in Calgary or anywhere in the world, you probably experienced a sensation of dryness feeling in your mouth at a point in your life!

The statistics tell us that 1 in 4 adults could suffer from a dry mouth!

Dry mouth, also called xerostomia, is a condition where there is not enough saliva in your mouth. This can happen for various reasons, including medication side effects, certain medical conditions, and certain treatments, such as radiation therapy for cancer. Dry mouth can be a temporary or permanent condition.

If you have a dry mouth, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • a sticky, dry feeling in your mouth
  • dry, cracked lips
  • a burning sensation in your mouth
  • a dry, rough tongue
  • a sore throat
  • difficulty chewing, swallowing or speaking
  • a change in your sense of taste
  • bad breath

A dry mouth can lead to other problems, such as an increased risk of tooth decay and difficulty wearing dentures.

There are many possible causes of dry mouth, including:

  • medication side effects – over 400 medications can cause dry mouth as a side effect
  • medical conditions – such as Sjogren’s syndrome, diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease
  • treatments – such as radiation therapy for cancer
  • dehydration – not drinking enough fluids
  • aging – as we age, we produce less saliva
  • smoking – tobacco products can decrease saliva production
  • Certain medications, such as antihistamines, decongestants, and painkillers, can also cause dry mouth.

There are several risk factors for dry mouth, including:

  • medication use – as mentioned, over 400 medications can cause dry mouth as a side effect
  • age – older adults are more likely to experience dry mouth
  • gender – women are more likely to experience dry mouth
  • medical conditions – such as Sjogren’s syndrome, diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease
  • treatments – such as radiation therapy for cancer
  • dehydration – not drinking enough fluids can lead to dehydration, which can cause a dry mouth
  • smoking – tobacco products can decrease saliva production

Certain lifestyle choices can also increase the risk of dry mouth, such as:

  • drinking alcohol – alcohol can dehydrate the body and decrease saliva production
  • using mouthwashes that contain alcohol – alcohol-containing mouthwashes can also contribute to dry mouth
  • breathing through the mouth – mouth breathers are more likely to experience dry mouth

There are several things you can do to prevent dry mouth, including:

  • drinking plenty of fluids – aim for 8-10 glasses of water per day
  • chewing sugar-free gum or sucking on sugar-free hard candy – can help stimulate saliva production
  • avoiding mouthwashes that contain alcohol – alcohol-containing mouthwashes can contribute to dry mouth
  • avoiding tobacco products – tobacco products can decrease saliva production

If you are experiencing dry mouth, there are several things you can do to treat it, including:

  • sucking on sugar-free hard candy or chewing sugar-free gum – can help stimulate saliva production
  • using artificial saliva products – these products can help to moisten the mouth
  • avoiding mouthwashes that contain alcohol – alcohol-containing mouthwashes can contribute to dry mouth
  • avoiding tobacco products – tobacco products can decrease saliva production
  • talking to your doctor or dentist about medications that can help – such as saliva substitutes, saliva stimulants, and anti-inflammatory medications

If you are experiencing dry mouth, it is essential to talk to your doctor, dentist or pharmacist. They can help identify the cause and recommend the best treatment for you.

Ogden Pharmacy has many products that can relieve your dry mouth condition. You can call us at 587-391-9878 to discuss, or you can come to our location at Lynnwood Plaza at 7 – 1603 62 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2C 5C5.

We welcome all the community members of Lynnwood, Ogden, Riverbend, and all other communities to have a little chat about your concerns regarding your dry mouth condition.

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